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Draft - June 14, 2012
Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds                                   Draft
Minutes of the June 14, 2012 Meeting

Present:  Robert Lutts, Raymond Vaillancourt, Thaddeus Buczko
               and William P. Goreham

The Board was called to order by Robert Lutts at 5:30PM.

Robert Lutts was presented a gift from the Board for his fourteen years service as the Treasurer.  His work and efforts for the City are truly appreciated.
No one has been appointed to replace him as Treasurer.  Raymond Vaillancourt is Vice Treasurer.  Raymond Vaillancourt and the Mayor will sign the checks.

The Council on Aging submitted a request for medication expense reimbursement.
Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approve $638.74 from the Endicott Fund for the expenses.  The motion was seconded by Thaddeus Buczko and voted unanimously.

The Council on Aging submitted a request on behalf of a handicapped resident for assistance for his scooter battery expense.  The scooter helps him get around due to his medical conditions limiting his mobility.   Robert Lutts made a motion to pay $240.00 for two batteries to Belmont Medical Supply from the Marston Fund.
The motion was seconded by William P. Goreham and voted unanimously.

A statement was received from Deschamps Printing for the picnic tickets.   Thaddeus Buczko made a motion to approve $332.00 from the Read Picnic Fund for the expense.  The motion was seconded by Robert Lutts and voted unanimously.

Salem Community Child Care submitted a request for a donation for $500.00 toward their summer camp program.  This is a minority owned, not for profit, tax-exempt, parent controlled childcare center serving low-income families in Salem.  The program has been in existence for over 30 years and provides care for 200 children.  Robert Lutts made a motion to approve $500.00 from the Discretionary Fund.  The motion was seconded by Raymond Vaillancourt and voted unanimously.

The Department of Open Space requested a check for interest earned on the Perpetual Care Fund.  The fiscal year end report will be ready in July and the interest earned on the Perpetual Fund will be sent to their account.

The Annual Read Fund Picnic will be held Saturday, June 23, 2012
from 11:00 to 3:00 at the Salem Willows.  The Read Science Fair will also take place at the Willows.  All are welcome.  Tickets for food and one ride were
distributed to Salem school children grades K-5 this June 18, 2012.

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Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2012 meeting.  The motion was seconded by William P. Goreham and voted unanimously.

Large Grant Proposals were heard from the following organizations:

Catholic Charities - basic needs, food, fuel, housing
Life Bridge – basic needs, education
Salem Cyber Space – scholarships
YMCA – scholarships
Children’s Friend Society – Salem High School Teen Parent Program
Mentorship Program
St. Vincent de Paul Society – basic needs, food, fuel, housing
Brookhouse Home - Non prescription medications – Endicott Fund

The final Large Grant presentations will be done at the July 12, 2012 meeting.
The Board will review the proposals, funds available and award grants at their August meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45PM.

Respectfully submitted:

F. Kay Fouhey, Clerk